Bakers Delight - Day 1
Thanks Gary, this blog serves as an electronic diary for this training and resouse collection with bakers delight.
Training outline
Day one:
share resources including blended chocolate as an example of industry working with TAFE.
Very sucessfull start with bakers delight sharing all resourses developed such as training resources, assesment resources, bakery skills assessment program, tools, task observation checklists. A light pro presentation which was great and will make an excellent resourse for teacher and students called product quality presentation and lastly a dvd "masterclass" developed by Bakers delight in september 2004 with instuctions for all there breads made in their stores. All electronic resoures are high quality (sound and image), Liegh you will have a field day with these and I am very excited to see how these resource will update, inhance and supprt bakers delight students.
Mick (technical baker) also showed me their new soul baking system that they are yet to introduce and will definatly keep this company many steps in front of the baking industry with inovation and product quality systems that they have in place.
We also looked at bakers delights OHS resourses and I will get a copy for Alison as this will be great for on the job (hybrid delivery). What impresses me is the support that this company gives its staff and if you could add in support from TAFE this could be a anouther great example of industry and TAFE working together to upskill the baking students.
Anouther intersing thing that I saw was that bakers delight have spread sheets for production, cost, waste for each shift very simular to what Steve has devceloped for bread students. Its good to know we are on the right track.
Now to that critcal componant, dough development and dough temperature. All will be revieled tommow morning at 1am, yes time is getting away and I will need to get some rest for the hands on componant.
Last note, I have decided to eat all my meals in china town and that incudes breakfast as I will be able to just get in before close, I will have some feed back as too the best BBQ duck, suckling pig and lets not forget salt chilli squid, salt pepper chicken, white cut chicken mmmm.
Will post tomorrow Day 2 Tuesday the 7th. Please comment or ask a question.
Hello Gary and Dean,
I am pleased that you have found the resources great value. I am also impressed with this method of reporting your updates and how others can contribute to the discussion threads.
You might want to get the QLD team to demonstrate the slicer CD as this could be used as a training and assessment tool.
In addition, we are currently working through some new e-learning tools that the QLD office is not aware of and I will share them with you when they are available.
I am looking forward to seeing further updates.
Craig King
Group Human Resource and Training Manager
Bakers Delight Holdings Ltd
Tel: 03 9811 6111
FAX: 03 9811 6100
Mobile: 0413 433 622
This is a post from Rob Paull, Head Teacher Baking Trades Wollongong
I had an interesting experience with a workplace assessment with Bakers Delight. When I arrived at the workplace I was told that they were having trouble controlling their dough temperatures because the air conditioning was not working – the bakery was too hot. When I asked them as to whether they had considered using a lower water temperature to compensate for the higher room temperature they were somewhat dumb founded that nobody in the bakery had even considered doing that. This is what happens when they are conditioned to the same routines each day, day in, day out, without even considering changes to their environment. To me I find their system of commencing with a low water temperature and continue mixing to a dough temperature of 27C, or whatever, is a good way of maintaining consistent quality, but does not teach them the true principles of what they should be doing in doughmaking.
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